Saturday, August 07, 2004


why I want a wife (Yuki Shimizu)

When I read Judy Brady’s essay, I felt so sad as one of men who will belong to the classification known as husbands. The contents she described might be true in real world because there are still so many husbands who have high expectations against wives. She definitely would like to say something by showing one typical expectation of men toward a wife. There is no wife who can be a perfect mother and can take care of their children sufficiently without husband’s help. Also, there is no person who can do satisfy his every social, physical, and sexual wants. However, some wives are trying to accomplish three full time jobs as mother, wife, worker or student outside of house. Even though they sacrifice their time, they to satisfy children and husband’s needs. As the opinion of the one of wives, she wants a husband to notice and appreciate what she is doing in daily life. This appreciation should transfer to action which shares her burdensome house chore.
I think that marriage is the biggest decision in our life. A man/women shares everything with a mate and live together forever. Also, both of them have to make an effort to satisfy the other’s needs and wants. Even though a wife lost girlish figure with response to her age, a man still have to keep falling love with her. There is only one thing which bonds together each other is “LOVE”. If there is love between them, why does not a husband help his wife? If they love each other, why their expectation is too high? I appreciate this essay which gave me a great lessen about marriage and role between a wife and a husband.

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