Sunday, July 18, 2004


response #3 to Amelia from Sunghoon Park

According to Amelia’s opinion, Young-Ju’s parents showed us that they were typical characteristic as father and mother in Korean family. Her father was very stern and he wanted to keep his culture and life style in his life. Her mother was obedient to her husband.  I also agree that this figure is the typical style in Korea. Always male is more important than female in everything and at everywhere. Man should be strong and brave. Like this, Young-Ju’s father force to his sun that the only strong people can survive in the world. But Amelia thought that if all people think like that, this world might change to very competitive world. That was, there were no love, compassion, and sympathy. I also agree that because in the world, we are together live each other. In addition, she wrote that if someone left their country and established themselves in the new country, they should follow the life style of new country. But in young-Ju’s family, her parents did not learn American culture and life-style, even they denied America’s style. However, she thought that these typical Korean culture and life-style was not useful, because they were living in America. They should accept America’s culture and life-style and followed it. Because of the school in Asian and America, Asian children showed passive action. If children talked too much, especially to older people include teachers, it seemed like rude and insolent. On the other hand, in America, children who ask many questions in the class or to people, was regarded as more intelligent and active people. I also think that if Young-Ju become to passive people as her parents teaches to her, she is going to be making trouble in her school in her school life. Thus, if someone is living in another country, they should accept and learn different culture and life-style.

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