Sunday, July 11, 2004


not forever (yuki shimizu)

I love Young Ju who has gone thorough the same experience with me. Since I have been here, I have been having a hard time to make friends because of my attitude toward people as well as lack in English skill. Being shy has anything but negative affects to be friendly. I hate myself even more because I knew that I have to be outgoing and smiling face. However, it is not a easy job for me who are not used to talking to others in my home country in which I am able to communicate in own language. To cope with that, I made a consciousness effort to put myself into the circumstance in which I have to be friendly. I joined the sports team where the bond between teammate is essential to win and enjoy the game. As the result, fortunately I have friends who I am still taking a contact with. Anyway, letting me go back to my English skill, I have told a lie more than a couple times to escape from the conversation with friends. I have said “Yes” or nodded to response to friends rather make a comment because I had no idea about their talk. Although, now that I can speak English a little bit better than I came here, I have less chance to tell a lie, I guess I may have a same felling toward English.
I love to say something about Apa’s feeling when he yelled Uhmma about the house. I assume that he is a really nice father for Young Ju and he had suffered from so many things which he has to deal with until everything get to settle. I think that nobody blame him about that accident because I felt the same way when I came here. I had a really hard time to be here because everything does not seem to go well and so many problems came up. Even though I almost gave up to stay here, there are many people who has supported such as friends and parents, also I did believe that the problem “does not last forever”.

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